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भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान परिषद

Indian Council of Agricultural Research

भा.कृ.अनु.प. – राष्ट्रीय शूकर अनुसंधान केन्द्र

ICAR - National Research Centre on Pig

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Dr. Kalyan De

Senior Scientist

Livestock Production and Management

9660105512 / 361-2847195

Profile Overview:

  • Qualification:

    B.V.Sc., M.V.Sc., PhD
  • Date of Joining NRCP:

  • About:

    Dr Kalyan De has completed his M.V.Sc. and PhD. in the discipline of Livestock Production & Management from ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute (ICAR-NDRI), Karnal, Haryana. Previously, Dr De has worked on the impact of different environmental stress on behaviour and welfare of sheep at ICAR-Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute (ICAR-CSWRI), Avikanagar, Rajasthan. Presently, he is working on the behaviour and welfare of indigenous pigs. His area of interest is exploring the behavioral responses of pig in the different stages of life under changing environmental cues, refining the techniques for on-farm animal welfare assessment and identifying interventions to enhance animal welfare for the betterment of ambient production environments.

Technologies Developed:

Not Available

Technologies Commercialized:

Not Available


  • Total no. of Research Paper: 40
  • Total no. of Books/Manual: 06
  • No. of patent /Trademark granted (G): 00
  • Copyright granted: 00
  • Policy Document: 00

Top 10 Research Publications:

  1. 1. De K., Kumar D., Sharma S., Kumawat P., Mohapatra A., Sahoo A. (2020). Effect of drinking earthen pot water on physiological response and behavior of sheep under heat stress. Journal of Thermal Biology, 87: 102476
  2. 2. De K., Sharma S., Kumawat P., Kumar D., Thirumurugan P., Sahoo A. (2019). Effect of wind protection during winter on growing lambs in semi-arid tropical region. Small ruminant Research, 178: 102-105
  3. 3. De K., Saxena V.K., Kumar D., Mohapatra A., Balaganur K., Naqvi S.M.K. (2019). Oscillatory thermo-regulatory behavior of fecundity gene introgressed sheep in hot semiarid region. Journal of Veterinary Behavior,
  4. 4. De K., Kumar D., Mohapatra A., Saxena V.K., Naqvi S.M.K. (2019). Physiological response of crossbred sheep under nutritional scarcity. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 51(3): 723-728
  5. 5. De K., Kumar D., Mohapatra A., Saxena V.K. (2019). Effect of bedding for reducing the post-shearing stress in sheep. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 33: 27-30
  6. 6. De K., Saxena V.K., Balaganur K., Kumar D., Naqvi S.M.K. (2018). Effect of short-term seclusion of sheep on their welfare indicators. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 27: 1-7
  7. 7. De K., Kumar D., Singh A.K., Sahoo A., Naqvi S.M.K. (2018). Effect of altered ambient temperature through shelter modifications on physiological indicators of Malpura lambs reared in semi-arid region during winter. Journal of Thermal Biology, 72: 161-167
  8. 8. De K., Kumar D., Saxena V.K., Thirumurgan P., Naqvi S.M.K. (2017). Effect of high ambient temperature on behavior of sheep under semi-arid tropical environment. International Journal of Biometeorology, 61(7): 1269-1277
  9. 9. De K., Kumar D., Balaganur K., Saxena V.K., Thirumurgan P., Naqvi S.M.K. (2017). Effect of thermal exposure on physiological adaptability and seminal attributes of rams under semi-arid environment. Journal of Thermal Biology, 65: 113-118
  10. 10. De K., Kumar D., Mohapatra A., Saxena V.K., Naqvi S.M.K. (2017). Study of circadian rhythmicity of physiological response and skin temperature of sheep during summer and winter in semi-arid tropical environment. Physiology & behaviour, 169: 16-21


  1. Awarded prestigious “Junior Research Fellowship” at National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal during two years of Master degree in Master of Veterinary Science in Livestock Production and Management by ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Govt of India)
  2. Ranked 3rd in A.R.S (Agricultural Research services) exam (conducted nationally for recruiting scientists) in the broad discipline of Livestock Production and Management (2011)
  3. Received “Institute Fellowship” from National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, India for carrying out Ph.D.
  4. Received “National Merit Scholarship” for carrying out Graduation, Govt. of West Bengal, India
  5. Honored “Young Scientist Award” in 2016-2017, by Indian Society for Sheep and Goat Production and Utilization, India
  6. Honored “Best Scientist” in 2017 for excellent work by ICAR-Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute, Avikanagar, Rajasthan, India

Membership of Societies:

  1. Life member of “Society for Conservation of Domestic Animal Biodiversity (SOCDAB)”
  2. Life member of “Indian Society for Sheep and Goat Production and Utilization (ISSGPU)”