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भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान परिषद

Indian Council of Agricultural Research

भा.कृ.अनु.प. – राष्ट्रीय शूकर अनुसंधान केन्द्र

ICAR - National Research Centre on Pig

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Research Publications


From 2007-2015
Mohan, N.H., Sarmah, B.C., Tamuli, M.K., Das, A and Bujarbaruah, K.M. (2007). Electrophoretic profile of aipose tissue and a method of extraction of soluble proteins from fat tissue. Ind.J.Anim. Sci. 12(12):1248.
Mohan, N.H., Bujarbaruah, Tamuli, M.K., K.M., Das, A Sarmah, B.C. (2007). Analysis of testicular and epididymal characteristics in crossbred piglets. Ind.J.Anim. Sci. 12(12):1254.
Rajkhowa, S. Hazarika G.C., and Sarma,S. (2008). Effect of different iron preparations on some blood biochemical constituents of anemic piglets. Ind.J.AnimSci. 78(1): 114.
Rajkhowa, S. Hazarika G.C., and Sarma,S. (2008). Effect of different iron preparations on body weight gain of anaemic piglets and iron deficient calves. Ind.J.AnimSci. 78(1): 111.
Thomas, R., Anjaneyulu, A.S.R. and Kondaiah, N. (2008). Development of shelf-stable pork sausages using hurdle technology and their quality at ambient temperature storage. Meat Science. 79:1-12.
Thomas,R., Anjaneyulu, A.S.R. and Kondaiah, N. (2008). Effect of hot-boned pork on the quality of hurdle-treated pork sausages during ambient temperature. Food Chemistry. 107:804-812.
Thomas, R., Anjaneyulu, A.S.R. and Kondaiah, N. (2008). Effect of different levels of emulsion pH adjusted with lactic acid and glucono-delta-lactone on the quality of pork sausages. American J. Food technology.3:89-99.
Thomas, R., Anjaneyulu, A.S.R. Mendiratta,S.K. and Kondaiah, N. (2008). Natural antioxidants as hurdles to improve the quality of shelf-stable pork sausages at ambient temperature storage. Fleischwirtschaft International, 2:81-86.
Thomas, R., Anjaneyulu, A.S.R. Mendiratta,S.K. and Kondaiah, N. (2008). Effect of humectants on the quality of pork sausages. American J of Food Technology. 3:56-67.
Baisya, S. K. Das, A, Khargaria and Nasker, S. (2007). Epididymal sperm reserve of indigenous pig of Meghalaya. Indian J. Anim. Sci. (9): 950.
Dutta, T.K., Yoychoudhary,P., and Banik, S. (2009). Antimicrobial drug resistance of Pasteurella multocida isolated from pigs in north eastern hill region of India, Indian J. Anim.Sci. 79(11): 1130-1131.
Thomas, R., Anjaneyulu, A.S.R. and Kondaiah,N. (2010). Effect of post package reheating on the quality of hurdle treated pork sausages at ambient temperature storage. Journal of Muscle Foods, 21,31-50.
Thomas, R., Anjaneyulu, A.S.R. and Kondaiah. (2010). Quality of hurdle-treated pork sausages during refrigerated storage. Journal of Food Sciences and Technology. 47(2):266-272.
Sahoo N.R., Banik S. and Naskar S. (2011). Introduction to molecular genetics and bioinformatics. National Research Centre on Pig (ICAR), Rani, Guwahati, Assam. (Page -32)
Thomas, R., Tamuli,M. K. and Das, A. (2011). Survey on existing pork processing and marketing systems in Assam. J.Meat Sci. 7(2): 1-6.
Thomas, R., Das, A. and Tamuli,M.K. (2011). Existing pork processing and marketing systems in Kamrup District, Assam. The North-east veterinarian. Vol.X (4): 17-19.
Thomas, R., Das, A. and Tamuli,M.K. (2011). Hygeinic status of pork marketed in Kamrup District, Assam. The North-east veterinarian. Vol.XI (2):17-20.
Sahoo, N.R. S. Rajkhowa, K.B.D. Choudhary, Das, A., Pankaj, P.K., Kotagiri, R. (2011). Efficacy of poly herbal liver tonic products in promoting growth performance in post-weaned piglets. Research opinions in animal and veterinary sciences. 1(5): 284-87.
Barman, K. and Das, A. (2011). Unconventional and important feed resources for swine. Indian Dairy man, 61(09): 23-25:32.
Barman,K., Banik,S., Das, H.K. and Das,A. (2011). Effect of fish meal supplementation on economy of feeding Meghalaya local grower pig, Ind.J. Anim.Nutrition. 28(2):222-224.
Pankaj, P.K. Pourouchottamane, R.,Das, A. Sahoo, N.R., Banik,S., Tamuli,M.K. (2011). Decidous teeth eruption pattern of Ghungroo. Indian Vet. J., 88(9): 110-112.
Rajkhowa,S. Pegu,S.R., Devi,M. and Das,A. (2011). Occurrence of exudative epidermatitis in pigs and its treatment. Indian J. Anim. Sci., 81(7); 700-701.
Rajkhowa,S. Pegu,S.R., Devi,M. and Das,A. (2011). Isolation, Charecterization pattern of Campylobacter species from diarrhoeic piglets. Indian J. Anim. Sci., 81(7); 702-703.
Sahoo,N.R. Banik, S., Das, A., Pankaj, P.K., Kaushik,P and Tamuli, M.K. (2012). Phenotypic attributes of Ghungroo breed of pig. Indian Vet. J., 89(3): 155-159.
Banik,S, Naskar,S., Pankaj, P.K. Sahoo, N.R., Tamuli, M.K. and Das,A. (2012). Effect of different body measurement on body weight of pre-weaning Ghungroo pigs-a path analysis approach. Indian J. Anim. Sci (Accepted)
Rajkhowa,S. Shakuntala,I., Pegu,S.R., Das, R.K. and Das, A. (2012). Detection of Pasteurella multocida isolates from loca pigs of India by PCR and their antibiogram. Tropical Animal Health and Production. doi: 10.1007/s11250-012-0094-4
Mangotra, A., Das, B., Naskar, S., Roy, T.C. Das, A, Badyal, N., Banik, S., Sahoo, N.R. (2012). Molecular characterization of FSH ? gene in indigenous pigs. Ind.Vet.J (Accepted).
Mohan, N.H., B.C.Sarmah, M.K.Tamuli and Das, A. (2012). Effect of dietary sunflower oil and coconut oil on adipose tissue gene expression fatty acid composition and serum lipid profile of grower pigs. In Archives of Animal Nutrition doi: 10.1080/1745039X.2.012.6833243
Mohan, N.H., B.C.Sarmah., M.K. Tamuli., J.N.Goswami., B.N.Bhattacharya A,B. and Das, A. (2012). Modulation of DNA synthesis in porcine adipose tissue by growth hormone, insulin and leptin. Indian J. Anim. Sci (Accepted, in press)
Banik, S., Pankaj, P.K., Pourouchottamane, R., Naskar, S., Barman, K., Tamuli, M.K. and Das, A. (2013). Evaluation of transport stress on grower pig and its management. Indian Journal of Animal Production and Management. 29(3-4):79-81.
Gokuldas, P.P., Tamuli, M.K., Mohan, N.H., Barman, K., Chutia, T and Mahapatra, R.K. (2014). Farrowing response and piglet viability following Cloprostenol-induced farrowing in Duroc sows with prolonged gestation. Journal of Applied Animal Research (In press). doi: 10.1080/09712119.2014.928632.
Keshab Barman, Anubrata Das and Subhalakshmi Bora. 2013. Effect of feeding different level of protein and energy on performance of crossbred (HampshirexGhungroo) starter pigs. Indian Veterinary Journal. 90(4):36-37.
Keshab Barman, M.K. Tamuli , Anubrata Das and H.K. Das. 2013. Effect of replacement of concentrate with aerial part of colocasia (Colocasia esculenta) on growth and nutrient utilization in crossbred (HS X GH) grower pig, Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology 13:311-315.
Kuldeep Kumar, Renu Singh, R Ranjan, Yasotha T, R K Singh, Manish Kumar, S K Bhanja, Mohan.N.H and Sadhan Bag (2013). Effect of "extract egg" in development of parthenonogenetic caprine embryo. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 83 (4): 377-378.
Mohan.N.H, S. Debnath, R.K.Mahapatra, L.K.Nayak, S. Baruah, A. Das, S.Banik and M.K. Tamuli. (2014). Tensile properties of hair fibres obtained from different breeds of pigs. Biosystems Engineering, 119, 35-43.
Mohan.N.H, L.K.Nayak, M.K.Tamuli and Anubrata Das. (2014). Pig hair fibre utilization in India: Present status and future perspectives. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 84 (2): 99-102.
Nazam Khan, Ankur Rastogi, Keshab Barman, R K Sharma and Yasir Bashir. 2014. Effect of feeding mixed silage of oat fodder and jamun leaves on nutrient utilization in goats, Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 84 (1): 85-87.
Pankaj, P.K., Pourouchottamane, R., Banik, S., Tamuli, M.K., Naskar, S., and Das, A. (2013). Sexual separation and growth rate in Ghungroo pig. Indian Journal of Animal Production and Management. 29(3-4):72-74.
Pankaj, P.K., Pourouchottamane, R., Barman, .K. Sahoo, N.R. Banik, S. and Venkatasubramanian, V. (2013). Standardization of weaning in Ghungroo pigs. Indian Veterinary Journal. 90 (6): 69-71.
Pankaj, P.K., Pourouchottamane, R., Mahapatra, R.K., Banik, S., Sahoo, N.R., Das, A. and Tamuli, M.K. (2013). Quantitative and qualitative estimation of milk in Ghungroo sows. Indian Veterinary Journal. 90 (4): 140-141.
Pankaj, P.K., Pourouchottamane, R., Sahoo, N.R. Banik, S., Jain, R., and Venkatasubramanian, V. (2013). Standardization of weaning in Niang megha pigs. Indian Veterinary Journal. 90 (7): 50-51.
Pourouchottamane, R., Pankaj, P.K., Banik, S., Naskar, S., Tamuli, M.K. and Das, A. 2013. Response of pigs to thermal stress under intensive system of rearing. Indian Journal of Animal Production and Management. 29(3-4):75-78.
R. Thomas, N. Jebin, K. Barman and Anubrata Das (2014). Quality and shelf life evaluation of pork nuggets incorporated with fermented bamboo shoot (Bambusa polymorpha) mince. Meat Science, 96: 1210-1218.
Sahoo, N.R, Banik, S., Pankaj, P.K. and Sahoo, M. (2013). Cytogenetic architecture of Niang Megha pigs. Indian Veterinary Journal 90 (12):59-61.
Banik, S., Naskar, S., Sahoo, N.R., Pankaj, P.K., Pourouchottamane, R., Barman, K., Kaushik, P., and Tamuli, M. K. (2014). Effect of Different Genetic and Non-genetic Factors on Preweaning Body Weight of Pigs. Veterinary Practitioner. 15(1): 112-113.
Barman, K., Gupta, J.J., Dey, A., Das, A., Chakrabarti, A., Tamuli, M.K., Thomas, R. and Sarma. D.K. (2014). Performance of crossbred (Hampshire x Ghunghroo) pigs fed on rice polish based diet with or without phytase enzyme. Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition, 31:172-176.
Barman, K., Tamuli, M.K., Sarma, D.K., Banik, S., Mohan, N.H., Thomas, R., Gokuldas, P.P., Pegu, S.R. and Kaushik. P. (2014). Effect of Replacing Maize with Bakery Waste on the Performance of Growing Crossbred (Hampshire X Ghungroo) Pigs. Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology. (Accepted).
Barman, K., Tamuli, M.K., Banik, S., Mahapatra, R.K., Thomas, R., Bhuyan, Gagan. (2014). Effect of Replacing Maize with Sugar Beet on Performance of Cross Bred (Hampshire x Ghungroo) growing pigs. Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition, 31:69-71.
Barman, K., Das, A., Banik, S., Tamuli, M.K., Thomas, R., Bhuyan, G. and Sarma, D.K. (2014). Effect of Replacing Maize with Sugar Beet on Performance of Cross Bred (Hampshire x Ghungroo) growing pigs. Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition. 31(1): 69-71.
Barman, K., Tamuli, M.K., Banik, S., Mohan, N.H., Thomas, R., Pegu, S.R., Gokuldas, P.P., Kaushik, P. and Sarma, D.K.(2014). Effects of replacing whole concentrate with Brewer's rice byproducts on performance of crossbred (HS x GH) grower pigs. Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition. (Accepted).
Chutia T, Biswas RK, Tamuli MK, Deka BC, Sinha S, Goswami J, Banik S, Kayastha RB. (2014). Effect of holding of semen and washing of seminal plasma on quality and fertility of Hampshire boar semen preserved at liquid state. Anim Reprod Sci. Mar;145(3-4):141-9.
Naskar, S., Deb, S.M., Niranjan, S.K., Sakaram, D., Sharma, D., Kumar, S., Sharma, A. (2014). Molecular characterization of MHC-DRB gene exon 2 in riverine buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Indian Journal of Biotechnology 13:532-535.
Naskar, S., Vashi, Y., Dhara, S.K., Banik, S. and Borah, S. (2014). Genetic variation at alpha-1-fucosyltransferase (FUT1) and leptin (LEP) gene in indigenous pigs and their association with economic traits. Indian Veterinary Journal. 91 (7):14-17.
Pourouchottamane, R., Pankaj, P.K., Banik, S., Venkatsubramanian, V., Das, H. K. and Konwar, P. (2014). Effect of Improved Shelter Management on Micro-Climatic Conditions and Performance of Ghungroo Pigs. Indian Veterinary Journal. 91 (6):93-95.
Rajkhowa, S., Kalita, C. and Sarma, D.K. (2014). Enterotoxigenic and attaching and effacing Escherichia coli strains in diarrhoeic piglets and their antibiogram. Philippine Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 51(1): 30-37.
Rajkhowa, S., Kalita, C. and Sarma, D.K. (2014). Enterotoxigenic and attaching and effacing Escherichia coli strains in diarrhoeic piglets and their antibiogram. Philippine Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 51(1): 30-37.
Rajkhowa, S. and Sarma, D.K. (2014). Prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of porcine O157 and non-O157 Shigatoxin-producing Escherichia coli from India. Tropical Animal Health and Production. 46:931-937.
Thomas, R., Jebin, N., Tamuli, M.K. and Sarma, D.K. (2014). Bamboo shoot extract : a potential natural preservative for pork nuggets at refreigeration temperature storage. Fleishwirtschaft International, 2:70-77.
Begum, S., Hazarika, G.C. and Rajkhowa, S. (2014). Prevalence of Escherichia coli from pigs and cattle. Journal of Animal Health and Production. 2 (3): 38-39.
Chutia, T., Biswas, R.K., Tamuli, M.K., Sinha, S., Goswami, J., Deka, B.C., Banik, S. and Kayastha, R.B. (2014). Efficacy of different extenders in preservation of liquid Hampshire boar semen at 15°C. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 48 (9):496-500.
Roychoudhury, P., Sarma, D.K., Rajkhowa, S., Munir, M. and Kuchipudi, S.V. (2014). Predominance of Genotype 1.1 and Emergence of Genotype 2.2 Classical Swine Fever Viruses in North-Eastern Region of India. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. 61 (Suppl. 1): 69-77.
Gokuldas, P.P., Tamuli. M.K., Mohan, N.H., Barman, K. and Sahoo, N.R. (2015). A comparative analysis of reproductive performance in different pig breeds reared under intensive management systems of sub-tropical climate. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 85 (9): pp: 1042-1045.
Naskar, S., Borah, S., Vashi, Y., Thomas, R., Dhara, S., Banik, S., (2015). Evaluation of Pig Rearing Farmers of North East India as Prospective Breeder: A Retrospective Analysis. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 49(1): 123-126.
Rajkhowa, S., Sarma, D. K., Sharma, R. K. and Rahman, H. (2015). Detection of virulence associated genes of Pasteurella multocida isolated from pig farms of India. Philippine Journal of Veterinary Medicine (in press).
Chandre Gowda C. T., Nadeem Fairoze, Patil, S. G., Nagappa, Karabasanavar. and Bagale, S. S. (2015). Meat species identification by mitochondrial cytochrome B gene based molecular techniques. Indian Journal of Animal Science. (Accepted).
Magotra, A., Naskar, S., Das, B., Ahmad, T. (2015). A comparative study of SINE insertion together with a mutation in the first intron of follicle stimulating hormone beta gene in indigenous pigs of India. Molecular Biology Reports 42(2):465-470.
Parkunan, T., Banerjee, D, Mohanty, N, Das, P.K, Ghosh, P.R, Mukherjee, J, Paul, A, Das, A.K, Nanda, P.K, Naskar, S., Mohan N.H, Sarkar M and Das, B.C. (2015). A comparative study on the expression profile of MCTs and HSPs in Ghungroo and Large White Yorkshire breeds of pigs during different seasons. Cell Stress Chaperones. 20(3):441-9.
Barman, K., Das, A., Thomas, R. and Banik, S. (2015). Effect of replacement of maize with water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) foliage on nutrient utilization in crossbred (Hampshire X Ghungroo) grower pigs. Indian Journal of Animal Science.85(4): 435-436.
Begum, S., Hazarika, G. C. and Rajkhowa, S. (2015). Prevalence and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern of Shiga Toxin Producing Escherichia coli (STEC) from Pigs and Cattle. International Journal of Veterinary Science 4(4): 221-223.
Begum, S., Hazarika, G. C. and Rajkhowa, S. (2015). Characterization of Shiga Toxin Producing Escherichia coli (STEC) from Pigs and Cattle. Advance Research in Agriculture and Veterinary Science 2(5&6)
Chakravarty, P. (2015). Reproductive biotechnology: its necessity for Livestock production with special reference to pig. Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology. 6(6):47.
Gokuldas, P.P., Tamuli, M.K., Mohan, N.H., Barman, K. and Sahoo, N.R. (2015). A comparative analysis of reproductive performance of different pig breeds under intensive management systems in sub-tropical climate. Indian Journal of Animal Science. 85 (9): 1042-1045
Gowda, C. T., Fairoze, N., Patil, G.S., Karabasanavar, N. and Bagale, S.S. (2015). Mea species identification by mitochondrial cytochrome B gene based molecular techniques. Indian Journal of Animal Science. 85 (7): 800 - 804.
Hussain, I., Rajkhowa, S., Hasin, D. and Iqbal, S. (2015). Bacterial ghosts and their potential future applications-A mini review. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 85 (12): 1283-1288.
Kaushik, P., Banik S., Barman, K., Das, A.K. and Sarma, D.K. (2015). A study on effect of Anti Toxic Nutrient (ATN) in productive and reproductive performance of pigs. IOSR-Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science. 8(12):8-11.
Kaushik, P., Banik, S., Barman,K,Das A.K. and Sarma D.K.(2015). A study on effect of antitoxic nutrient (ATN) in productive and reproductive performance of pigs. Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS) 8:8-11
Konch, H., Dutta, A., Baruah, K.K. and Sinha, S. (2015). Serum oestradiol-17?and progesterone profile in Hampshire gilts following synchronization of oestrus by PGF2?analogues. Indian Journal of Animal Production and Management. 31 (3-4); 46-49.
Mohan, NH, Nayak, L, Gokuldas, PP, Debnath, S, Paul, M., Ammayappan, L., Ramamurthy, V.V. and Sarma, D. K. (2016). Relationship between fiber morphology and tensile properties of pig hair fibre. Indian Journal of Fibre and Textile Research. (Accepted for publication in press).
Mohan, N. H., Nayak, L, Gokuldas P.P., Debnath, S., Paul, M., Ammayappan, L., Ramamurthy, V.V. and Sarma, D.K. (2016) Relationship between fiber morphology and tensile properties of pig hair fibre. Indian Journal of fibre and textile research (In Press).
Mondal, M., Baruah, K.K. and Prakash, B.S. (2015). Determination of plasma kisspeptin concentrations during reproductive cycle and different phases of pregnancy in crossbred cows using bovine specific enzyme immunoassay. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 10.1016.
Nath M.K., Sarma, D.K., Das, B.C., Deka, P., Kalita, D., Dutta, J. B., Mahato, G., Sarma, S. and Roychoudhury, P. (2016). Evaluation of specific humoral immune response in pigs vaccinated with cell culture adapted classical swine fever vaccine. Veterinary World.9:308-312
Pegu, S.R., Islam, S. and Das, B.J. (2016). Trichurissuis infection in adult Ghungroo pigs: a case report. Indian Journal of Veterinary Pathology. 40(1):72-73.
Rajkhowa, S., Sarma, D.K., Shakuntala, I. and Sahoo (2015). A novel multiplex PCR assay for simultaneous detection of three important pathotypes of Escherichia coli from diarrhoeic piglets. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences. 85: 1202-1204.
Rajkhowa, S., Sarma, D.K., Sharma, R.K. and Rahman, H. (2015). Detection of virulence associated genes in Pasteurella multocida isolated from pig farms of India. Philippine Journal of Veterinary Medicine.52: 30-38
Sahoo, N.R., Nasimun, N., Naskar, S., Banik, S. and Pankaj, P.K. (2015). Genetic diversity analysis of Ghoongroo pig based on microsatellite markers. Indian Journal of Animal Science. 85(11): 1215- 1219
Sahoo, N.R., Naskar, S., Banik, S. and Pankaj, P.K. (2016). Microsatellite based diversity analysis of native pigs of North-Eastern India. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 12/2015.
Sahoo, N.R., Nesa, N., Naskar, S., Banik, S. and Pankaj, P.K. (2015). Genetic diversity analysis of Ghoongroo pig based on microsatellite markers. Ind J Anim Sci. 85(11):1215-1219.
Sahoo, N.R., Nesa, N., Naskar, S., Banik, S. and Pankaj, P.K. (2015). Microsatellite based diversity analysis of native pigs of north-eastern India. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 10.18805
Sahoo N.R., Nesa, N., Naskar, S., Banik, S., Pankaj, P.K. and Sahoo, M. (2016). Microsatellite and Mitochondrial Diversity Analysis of Native
of Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot. Animal Biotechnology. 27(1) 52-59.
Saikia, J., Roy, T.C., Naskar, S., Das, B. and Ferdoci, A.M. (2015). Molecular characterization of Cytochrome b gene in indigenous pig. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 49(2): 196-198
Santra, L., Gupta, S., Singh, A.K., Sahu, A.R., Gandham, R.K., Naskar, S., Maity, S.K., Ghosh, J. and Dhara, S.K. (2015). A comparative analysis of invasive and non-invasive method of bone marrow stromal cell isolation. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 10(10): 549-555
Thakuria P., Sarma S., Sarma D.K., Kalita, D.J., Sharma, K., Sharma, R. and Roychoudhury, P. (2015) Nested reverse transcriptase-PCR (NRT-PCR) assay for detection of classical swine fever virus.IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science 3: 16-18
Thomas, R., Jebin, N., Saha, R. and Sarma, D.K. (2016). Antioxidant and antimicrobial effects of kordoi (Averrhoa carambola) fruit juice and bamboo (Bambusa polymorpha) shoot extract in pork nuggets. Food Chemistry. 190: 41-49.
Thomas, R., Jebin, N., Saha, R., and Sarma, D.K. (2016). Antioxidant and antimicrobial effects of kordoi (Averrhoa carambola ) fruit juice and bamboo (Bambusa polymorpha) shoot extract in pork nuggets, Food Chemistry 190: 41-49
Thomas, R., Naskar, S., Mohan, N.H. and Sarma, D.K. (2016). Refinement of formulation and processing steps of pork momo, a traditional meat product of North Eastern India in the wake of Neuro-cysticercosis. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 15: 128-134
Thomas, R., Pegu, B. and Sarma, D.K. (2015). Consumption pattern and requirements of pork in Kamrup metro (Urban), Assam. The North East Veterinarian 15:23-245.
Barman, K., Tamuli, M.K., Sarma, D.K., Banik, S., Mohan, N.H., Thomas, R., Gokuldas, P.P., Pegu, S.R. and Kaushik, P. 2016. Effect of Replacing Maize with Bakery Waste on the Performance of Growing Crossbred Pigs. Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology.16 (1):165-169.
Baruah, K. K., Mondal, M., Dhali, A., B. Bora, Machebe, A., Baruah, A., Perumal, P. and Das, K.C.2016. Freezability of Spermatozoa with the Use of Various Concentrations of Glycerol in Mithun (Bos frontalis) Semen Cryopreservation. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management. 7(5):1173-1176.
Baruah, K.K., Dhali, A., Bora, B., Machebe, A. and Mondal, M. 2016. Detection of osteopontin transcript in seminal plasma and its association with post-freeze-thaw quality of cryopreserved spermatozoa in mithun (Bos frontalis). Indian Journal of Animal Research, Print ISSN: 0367-6722 / Online ISSN: 0976- 0555.
Bheemashankar, H. K., Fairoze, Md. N., Girish, P. S., Nagappa K. and Rudresh, B. H. 2017. Breed traceability of buffalo meat using microsatellite genotyping technique. Journal of Food Science and Technology.54 (2): 558 - 563
Girish, P. S., Vaithiyanathan, S., Nagappa K. and Bagale, S. 2016. Authentication of sheep (Ovis aries) and goat (Capra hircus) meat using species specific polymerase chain reaction. Indian Journal of Animal Science. 86 (10): 1172 - 1175
Girish, P.S., Vathiyanathan, S., Bagale, S. and Nagappa, K. 2016. Species Authentication and Sex Differentiation of Cattle and Buffalo Meat using Polymerase Chain Reaction and Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism of Amelogenin XY Gene. Journal of Meat Science. 11 (02): 70 - 74.
Hussain, I., Borah, P., Sharma, R.K., Rajkhowa, S., Rupnik , MSaikia, D. P., Hasin, D., Hussain, Iftikar Deka, N.K,. Barkalita, L.M., Nishikawa, Y. and Ramamurthy, T. 2016. Molecular characteristics of Clostridium difficile isolates from human and animals in the North Eastern region of India. Molecular and Cellular Probes 30: 306-311.
Kaushik P., Banik S., Naskar S., Barman K., Das A.K. and Sarma D.K. 2017. Effect of genetic factors on pre weaning growth performance of Duroc and Hampshire piglets. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 51 (1) 2017: 179-181.
Kaushik, P., Banik, S., Naskar, S., Barman, K., Das, A.K. and Sarma, D. K. 2017. Effect of different genetic and non-genetic factors on pre weaning litter and growth performance of pigs. Indian Journal of Animal Research 51 (1): 179-181.
Kaushik,P.,Banik,S.,Naskar,S.,Barman,K,Das,A.K. and Sarma D.K. 2017. Effect of genetic factors on pre weaning growth performance of Duroc and Hampshire piglets. Indian Journal of Animal Research 51:179-181.
Khan, M.H., Hazarika, S.B., Baruah, K.K., Perumal, P. and Sinha, P. 2017. Kiss 1 and GPR54 mRNA expression, endocrine profile, follicular development and onset of estrus following Kisspeptin administration in pre-pubertal mithun heifers. Indian Journal of Animal Science. 87(4): 427-431.
Machebe, A., Ezekwe, A.G., Okeke, G.C. and Banik, S. 2016. Path analysis of body weight in grower and finisher pigs. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 50 (5):794-798.
Mohan, N.H., Ammayappan, L., Sarma, D.K., Debnath, S. and Tamuli, M.K. 2017. Characterization of thermal properties of pig hair fiber Journal of Natural Fibers10:1-7 (Taylor and Francis) 0.1080/15440478.2016.1250023.
Muthulakshmi, M., Muthukumar, M., Rajkumar, R. S., Girish, P.S. and Mooventhan, P. 2016. Carcass characteristics and meat quality attributes of commercial culled layer hen. International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology. 5 (5): 3352 - 3361.
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Thomas, R., S Banik, K Barman, N H Mohan and D K Sarma (2018). Establishment of bilateral symmetry and accuracy of carcass data estimates in Ghungroo pig carcass. Indian Journal of Animal Research (Accepted for publication).
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